Learning Center

What is a Medicare Savings Account?
High deductible health plans are becoming more and more popular in the work place and now they're becoming prevalent in Medicare too. Here's how they work.
12/03/2020 11:53 - Comment(s)
Dental Health is about more than a pretty smile
According to the Mayo Clinic, an unhealthy mouth can cause a number of very serious diseases, including:
  • Endocarditis, an infection of the inner lining of your heart chambers or valves.
  • Cardiovascular disease, including clogged arteries and stroke.
  • Pregnancy and birth complications,  like...
12/02/2020 21:15 - Comment(s)
What is a Scope of Appointment?

A Scope of Appointment (SOA) is a form outlining exactly what plans you would like to be presented in your meeting with a Medicare plan broker. The SOA ensures that you are not “pitched” plans other than those you originally requested. This requirement was put in place to prevent Medicare be...

12/02/2020 21:15 - Comment(s)
What To Do If You've Been Turned Down For Life Insurance
A good insurance broker will very seldom submit a clients application for underwriting without being relatively certain that they will be covered. We called this field underwriting, end it is just what it sounds like: As an agent, I know your companies' underwriting guidelines and I know the rig...
12/02/2020 19:20 - Comment(s)
2021 Medicare Part B Premiums & Deductibles Are Now Available
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released the 2021 Part B premium and deductibles recently. Beneficiaries can expect to pay slightly more in 2021.
11/30/2020 00:00 - Comment(s)