Special Enrollment Period

Blog tagged as Special Enrollment Period

Don't Get Scammed When Enrolling in Health Coverage
The Minnesota Department of Human Services warned MNSure Brokers that there had been an increase in robocalls spreading false information about the Affordable Care Act ("ACA" or "Obamacare") and MNSure plans, as well as an increase in false and misleading social media posts. Here...
12/13/2020 13:40 - Comment(s)
I'm Still Working. Do I need To Enroll in Medicare
Many people understand that not enrolling in Medicare when you first become eligible can lead to late enrollment penalties when you do enroll, but what if you're working? Do you have to enroll in Medicare? We'll explain your options here.
12/04/2020 09:59 - Comment(s)
Five Insurance Changes to Consider After a Divorce
There is a lot to do after a divorce but at least you don't have to tackle the insurance alone when you work with a full service agency like Dayton's Bluff Financial. Call or email us to schedule a comprehensive policy review if you're recently divorced (or if you're not-s...
11/13/2019 00:00 - Comment(s)